
“Grigore Vieru did not die, we died” - Info-Prim Neo interview with late poet's wife Raisa Vieru


[Info-Prim Neo Note: “Grigore Vieru did not die, we died” is one of the phrases written in the condolences book of Saint Theodora of Sihla Church one year ago, when the greatest contemporary poet Grigore Vieru died. The tragedy that happened on January 18, 2009 affected all the people. One year later, our colleague Angela Chisnencu visited Raisa Vieru to see how she is doing and to find out what commemoration events have been planned. The interview lasted longer than we projected as the widow could not stop crying.] [ - It was a hard year for you. How do you manage to get over the pain?] - 2009 was not a tragic, but fatal year for me. I lost my husband. It was a stupid death. The doctors saved his life several times earlier, but the fate made it that he died in a road accident. I do not want to be mean with some people, but I will never forget who contributed to his death. Grigore suffered the first heart attack after he read an article in Iurie Rosca's newspaper. It said that Vieru wanted to kill Rosca and that he was a Romanian spy. Grigore asked himself with pain in his chest how he could be an enemy of his native language and country. He was a sensible man and the untruth affected him the most. Rosca knew how to make him suffer. The second heart attack was caused by the aberrant statements made by abject persons who wrote by order. We asked him not to buy such newspapers, but he continued to buy and read them so as to know what they said about him. The then governmental press and the press of the Communists' allies disdained him. The poet's heart was weakened by those impudent words. Five stents had to be introduced after the second attack so that his heart could work normally. The doctors told me a third heart attack or any other accident could cause his death. It happened as they said. Grigore's heart did not resist. The doctors in Romania offered help, but could not guarantee anything. They said he could die at any moment, when in the plane or when landing. So, I decided not to torture him. I cried a lot near his pillow when he was in a coma and asked God to give him several years more. [ - 2009 was to be a year of accomplishments for you. You were to celebrate your golden wedding...] - It is true. On June 8, 2009, we were to celebrate 50 years of our wedding. But we did not. Now I have only one goal – to devotedly keep the treasure left by the Romanian people. On Grigore's 70th birthday, I wanted to give him a book as a gift and asked his friends and colleagues to write something about him so that he could remember the interesting moments they spent together. Thus, there appeared the book “A Pupil of Orpheus”. The front cover contains Grigore's portrait made by the talented painter Valentina Rusu-Ciobanu. The back cover includes the preface written by Marin Sorescu to Grigore's book “The Spring and the Instant” that formed part of the edition “The Best Poems” issued in Bucharest in 1981. In fact, the title of the book was inspired by this text. As a blessing, the first text in the book “A Pupil of Orpheus” was written by his Holiness Teoctist, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, who called him “brother Grigorica”. The texts come in alphabetic order, according to the names of the authors. The book includes poems and memories of Nicolae Dabija, Spiridon Vangheli, Petru Carare, Arhip Cibotaru, Alexei Marinat, Constantin Tanase and others. Grigore liked my gift very much. He included some of the recollections in his last book “Secret that Defends Me”. Now I want to bring out a similar collection that will contain everything that was written about Vieru after his death and the texts written after the appearance of the first collection, like the recollections and messages of Victor Ciutac, his schoolmate, Adrian Paunescu, his friend, and others. I promised him then that I will complement and republish the book by his 75th anniversary. It is my duty and I will make everything possible for Grigore Vieru's work to be preserved for the coming generations. [ - I think many of the things you did after the poet's death were done according to his 'measurement system'…] - Exactly. I took his body to Saint Theodora of Sihla Church, where we often went together, though they offered me the Virgin Mary's Birth Cathedral. I always think whether he would like what I do or not. I always take his wishes into account. He did not like black. He preferred blue and white. He wore mostly white shirts. Even his winter coat was greyish-white. He liked it very much. [ - It is natural that memories keep coming to your mind, but I'm sure that you lived wonderful moments near Mr Vieru. How is is to be the wife of a poet and hear the most beautiful declarations of love?] - Yes, I was pampered. He dedicated poems and books to me. When we met, Grigore wrote only poems for children. One week after our first meeting, he brought me a newspaper with a poem that he dedicated to me. It was titled “Children, I'm not at Home Anymore”. The book “Your Name” was the first successful book of love poems for adults. Many poems in this book were inspired by our love. We loved each other and got along very well. We imprinted our names on our engagement rings. My ring contains the words “Grigoras, June 8, 1959”, while his “Raisa, June 8, 1959”. Afterward, he wrote the poems “The Ring with Your Name” and “Family Game”. He wrote many love poems. I loved him very much and will love him for ever. [ - Grigore Vieru is considered the greatest contemporary poet in the Romanian language area. It depends greatly on your efforts if his memory will live on. Many of the ideals and wishes of the poet can be shared with those who praise him and love his work …] - After the funeral, I realized that the continuity of his memory depends on me. During the first 40 days, his soul had been in the house and I felt it. Once, I woke up at four o'clock in the morning and distichs came to my mind. I understood that it was Grigore's style, took a pen and wrote them. I realized then that I have a huge obligation to Grigore. At the funeral, Iuliana Gorea-Costin and the Romanian Minister of Culture approached me and suggested organizing a commemoration concert in Bucharest. I was very glad that I could fulfill one of his wishes. [ - Why most of the commemoration events – concerts, unveiling of busts, naming of streets and others - took place in Romania, not in his native country?] Those who loved him and appreciated his work staged many important events. Employees of the National Library started to organize the International Book Show “Grigore Vieru”. The Writers Union held the International Poetry Festival “Grigore Vieru” in Chisinau and in Iasi. But it is the state authorities that decide to name streets and erect monuments. The poet's busts were inaugurated in Iasi and in Alba Iulia on the National Day of Romania. There were renamed streets. I and our son Calin took part in those events. The Cultural Center “Grigore Vieru” was opened inside the library “Mihail Sadoveanu” in Bucharest. Hundreds of persons phoned me, offered their condolences and proposed doing something to commemorate Grigore Vieru. The head of the Romanian community in Spain Florin Bojor invited me to Barcelona to take part in the opening of the Romanian Cultural Center “Grigore Vieru” in March 2009. On February 14, on the poet's birthday, I will leave for Venice to participate in the launch of Grigore's bilingual, Romanian and Italian, book “Promises to Love”. It was translated by a Moldovan woman who settled there, Olga Irmiciuc. [ - After the poet's death, the Chisinau Council wanted to rename a street in Chisinau, but did not yet do it. Why?] - In fact, they reached an impasse when they considered which street to rename. I wanted that Renasterii Boulevard was renamed. I even though that a Center of Culture “Grigore Vieru” could be opened inside the building of the former cinema “Moscova”, near “Eugen Ionescu” Theater. But there are many people fighting for that building and I don't know if they care about Vieru so much. [ - They say Pushkin Street could be renamed. What do you think about it?] It would be great if one of the main streets bears his name. But I don't know if Grigore would want this. This street still keeps his footprints fresh. Grigore often went to the Press House and was a loved guest at the National Palace. He frequently visited the bookstores situated on this street. Our children studied at the high school “Gheorge Asachi”. When Saint Theodora of Sihla Church opened, he went to pray on Sundays. No decision about the renaming of the street was yet made. However, it was decided that the poet's bust will be placed on the Classical Writers Alley, near Liviu Rebreanu's bust, on his birthday. The model of the bust was selected. It will be made of bronze. [ - What other commemoration events will take place?] - On January 18, it will be a year of his death. A requiem will be held at the poet's grave on this day. It will be followed by a commemoration dinner. A religious ceremony in Grigore's memory will take place at Saint Theodora of Sihla Church on January 16. A concert will be given in Chisinau on February 10 and 11. It will be a large-scale event that the poet wished for his 75th birthday. It is organized in concert with the Ministry of Culture. The returns will be used to erect a monument to Grigore Vieru at his grave. This spring I will try to fulfill one more wish of Grigore – to bring the body of his mother to Chisinau and bury her near him. The Ministry of Culture promised to help us repair and transform the house of Grigore's parents in Pererita village of Briceni district into the museum “Grigore Vieru”. [ - Do you intend to open a museum in the bard's memory in Chisinau?] - Yes. I wanted to open a library, a museum and a hall or poetry or music recitals in the Center of Culture “Grigore Vieru” that I mentioned earlier. [ - I know you had a difficult year. But did you manage to work on the poet's archive? Did you find something about which nobody knew?] Unfortunately, I did not yet manage, but I intend to work on the archive. I want to publish separately the poet's poems, aphorisms, dialogues. Officials of the Academy of Sciences said they plan to publish Grigore's “Opera Omnia”. I also want to launch an album with songs whose texts were written by Grigore. The music of some of them was written also by Grigore. - God help you in your plans. The memory of the poet should remain alive for ever.] [For conformity – Angela Chisnencu]