
Grigore Novac about Andrei Spînu: One cannot wean a fox from eating hens


Andrei Spînu was proposed for the post of Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, said PAS MP Vasile Grădinaru. According to him, Andrei Spînu took the place of Lilia Dabija as the government wants the launched projects to be accelerated. For his part, Socialist MP Grigore Novac said that bringing Andrei Spînu back into the Cabinet was a mistake and this decision will have an impact on the citizens’ trust in the ruling party, IPN reports.

Since August 2021, Andrei Spînu had served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development in the Gavrilița Cabinet. When the Gavrilița Cabinet resigned, he was named secretary general of the President’s Office. On July 17, Spînu returned to the post of Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development. Representatives of the government said the move was aimed at accelerating the implementation of the announced infrastructure projects.

“Mister Recean formulated such a proposal. The Premier assumes such things. He pondered over this decision as there were a number of candidates. What matters to me is for the projects to be implemented. It goes to the almost 500 projects covered by the European Village program, 100 projects covered by the European Village Express program and other infrastructure projects, related to the airport, motor stations that will be returned to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. This is what we are preoccupied with. The rating is on the second place. The PAS’ team and parliamentary group are united. We cannot speak about interest groups,” MP Vasile Grădinaru stated in the program “At 360 Degrees” on Radio Moldova station.

Socialist MP Grigore Novac said Andrei Spînu is associated with resounding scandals, with the most recent scandal referring to the dubious quality of the crude oil that was procured by Spînu when he served as Deputy Premier and that was later buried.

“I, as a citizen who pays taxes in this county wonder why the scandal with the cruel oil was hushed up. The same minister responsible for this field returned to this post. I’m sure that when the government is changed, a lot of things will yet become known. I don’t expect much of Andrei Spînu. One cannot wean a fox from eating hens. I hope Dan Perciun and Adrian Efros will deliver better resuts,” stated Grigore Novac.

Renato Usatyi published videos showing a large quantity of crude oil being buried within the precincts of Termoelectrica. According to the politician, the crude oil was of a poor quality and was purchased by an inexperienced company that has ties with the current Minister of Infrastructure Andrei Spînu. The administration of Termoelectrica launched an internal inquiry.