Grades for baccalaureate and graduation exams will be announced on 21st and 30th of June respectively
The baccalaureate examination centers will begin on 21st of June the announcement of the current grades. The marks for leaving school exams will be announced on 30th of June, declared the chief of Evaluation Department of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Ion Spinei, for the Info-Prim Neo agency.
According to him, the grades for the middle school leaving exams were already announced particularly. The resolution of the Ministry that the announcement of the exams is made after the end of the session refers only to the baccalaureate and leaving school examinations. The evaluation of the grades within the exams will be made at the end of July, after the pupils’ possible contestations, said Spinei.
The chief of Municipal Department of Education, Youth and Sport, Alexandru Roman, declared for the Info-Prim Neo that the parents are revolted by the procedure yielded by the Ministry regarding the announcement of the grades after the end of the session. Parents whose children intended to continue their studies in Russia and Ukraine are particularly unsatisfied, since the deadline in these countries is 1st of July. Roman suggested to the parents to address reclamations to the Ministry, which has the right to modify the resolution.
However, Ion Spinei mentioned that the Ministry hasn’t received any petition regarding the request of preliminary announcement of the grades. He also clarified that the Ministry is acting according to its resolutions and doesn’t guide itself after the rules of the university matriculation in other countries.
In total, 5200 lyceum students, 4800 general school students and 10800 middle school pupils are graduating this year.