
Government will make effort to benefit from liberalization of EU market for wine, Valeriu Lazar


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar assured the European Union that the Government of Moldova will make the necessary effort to benefit from the liberalization of the wine exports to the EU and to further diversify the export markets for the Moldovan products, especially wine. He made the statement in a meeting with European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht in Brussels, IPN reports.

According to a communiqué from the Ministry of Economy, Valeriu Lazar took part in the seminar “The European Social Model – a key driver for competitiveness” that was organized by the European Parliament in concert with four European agencies. In the event, the Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister spoke about Moldova’s experience in implementing reforms for developing the human capital. He said that the country’s economic development depends on the capacity to build an education system of a high quality and skilled labored force that would meet the labor market demands.

In the context of the seminar, Valeriu Lazar had a discussion with Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor. He also met with ex-vice president of the Group of Socialists in the European Parliament Pervenche Beres, who now heads the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament. They conferred on the prospects of developing the cooperation with the EU in the development of the human capital.