
Government warns of danger that Nistru's and Prut's everglades will be flooded


The Government announces the water level in the Nistru will rise at least 1 m starting from Monday. Following heavy rains falling this week in Ukraine, Romania and Moldova's north, „there emerged such a more exceptional situation in the republic and there is danger of floods,” premier Zinaida Greceanai told journalists on Saturday. The authorities announce the citizens living on the banks of the Nistru and the Prut to be cautious and not to go fishing or swimming, not to leave animals on the rivers' meadows, especially starting from Monday, when the freshets will pass through Moldova's territory. Because of this reason, from 3,500 to 4,000 people will be evacuated or will leave from the resorts at Vadul lui Voda, Info-Prim Neo reports. “First vice prime-minister Igor Dodon is responsible for the safety of human lives,” said the premier at a news conference where she assured the authorities keep the situation under their control. “The water level in the Nistru has already started to rise,” said deputy premier Igor Dodon on returning from the Dubasari dam. To face the freshets, the authorities have decided to release ten times more water from the pools at Dnestrovsk and Dubasari on the Nistru and at Costesti-Stanca on the Prut, than the usual daily flow. This week, a quantity of rain comparable with the annual average has fallen in the Ukrainian Carpathians where the two rivers have their sources, as the quantity for 2-3 months has fallen in Moldova's north. The Government's experts consider it to be an anomaly for this period of the year and explain it by the global warming. Next week there will be no rain in Moldova.