
Government specifies reorganization of agencies’ functions


The functions of the Industry and Infrastructure Ministry and of the Standardization and Metrology Service are to be taken over by the Economy and Trade Ministry, as provided by the modifications operated to the Law on Government, while the powers of the Constructions and Territorial Development Agency and of the Apele Moldovei Agency are to be rendered to the new Constructions and Territorial Development Ministry, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Government specified the actions of the specialized central organs to be taken to perform the reorganization in its first sitting of April 2. Dismissing employees will be done in accordance with the Laws on Public Service and on Labor. Transferring assets and liabilities, real estate and other material goods will be done in conformity with the transfer mode provided for state enterprises. The Economy and Trade Ministry and the Constructions and Territorial Development Ministry are to present the personnel chart and the regulations on the work of the reorganized entities, to approve of the staff within 15 days and to calculate the amount of money needed to operate the mentioned reorganization.