
Government sitting postponement came unexpectedly, Valeriu Lazar


“That morning at the Government's presidium we unanimously approved the order of the day, with the remark that we warned the prime minister that the agenda was too ambitious. Because it wasn't limited to the Budget Bill. It is unusual for the Government of Moldova to consider the fiscal policy and the Budget Bill at one and the same sitting. Usually there is a half-year gap between them”, Economy Minister Valeriu Lazar told an interview with RFE/RL's Moldovan Service, speaking about the Saturday's sitting of the Government where the ministers were supposed to consider the 2011 Budget Bill. Valeriu Lazar said that even if the Government started discussing the Bill on Saturday, there was no way that the ministers could reach a final decision on that day. “I don't know why the prime minister said: either we decide today or no discussions at all. And for us this came unexpectedly. As a rule, a Budget Bill is discussed for months in a row. Ministers come together in two-three rounds and negotiate. That's how it's done in a democracy, and that's how it should be done in Moldova”, said Valeriu Lazar. The minister further said that policy acts like the fiscal policy are adopted by Parliament, and this should have happened in July 2010. The Budget would have been easier to develop had the legislature given a clear vote. “Imagine the situation when the Government approves and submits proposals to Parliament, and the legislature for various reasons votes them down. You cannot just build the Budget on a sand foundation, considering that Parliament hasn't adopted the rules for the formation of this Budget”, said Lazar. “Now the Alliance has no other solution. We understand it, our foreign partners understand it. I also understand the opposition, who tries to profit from this situation and show to the public that this Government is dysfunctional. Obviously, this is how they try to come back to power. But we should not be distracted by this and follow our plan. I trust we are able to handle this situation through more communication”, said Valeriu Lazar.