
Government session discusses issues faced by canneries


The issues that canned goods producers face have been discussed today, August 14, during a meeting between industry representatives and Prime-Minister Valeriu Strelet, IPN reports.

As a result of the difficult situation arisen from the embargo set by the Russian Federation last summer, producers request the cancellation of the 10% tax imposed by Ukraine on imports of processed fruit and vegetable products from Moldova, as well as better protection and promotion for locally produced canned food.

Prime-Minister Valeriu Strelet told the producers that the expansion of the canned goods market is part of the Government’s Agenda. The Head of the Ministers’ Cabinet has assured that he shall examine all of the requests voiced during the meeting.

Valeriu Strelet added that he shall discuss said issues with his counterparts from the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The Premier has repeatedly stated his availability for continuous dialogue with local canned goods producers.