Transparency International Ukraine and Open Government Partnership in Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia offered the prize for open governance promotion to the Government of Moldova. The executive was thus rewarded for the effort made to promote transparency and to create electronic services in this respect, IPN reports, quoting a communiqué from the Government.
Moldova joined the Open Government Partnership in April 2012. In order to fulfill the commitments, the executive adopted an open governance action plan and joined the global efforts and the EU’s efforts to improve governance by implementing technologies.
The portal was created within the initiative “Free access to public governmental data”. Acting Prime Minister Vlad Filat ordered that the ministries, public authorities, governmental institutions and agencies must identify monthly by three sets of data for being published.
Moldova was the 16th country that joined the “Open Data” initiative, ensuring access to public governmental data. The portal provides over 600 sets of data opened by 55 public institutions. Based on the opened data, there were designed a number of websites, including ,, , and