
Government provides details about documents of PM Gaburici


Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici does not have a Baccalaureate diploma and this fact was communicated to the media earlier, the Government’s press service says in a statement, issued following reports that the Premier Minister allegedly holds a false Baccalaureate diploma. The Government notes that the information was taken out of context from a broader report provided by the Ministry of Education to Parliament and was presented erroneously, IPN reports.

According to the statement, Chiril Gaburici was admitted to the Academy of Economic Studies (ASEM) not based on a Baccalaureate diploma as the legislation of that period allowed access to higher education without such a diploma. “The General Police Inspectorate started to examine the situation following the press reports about the Premier’s studies and is considering the version according to which the original education documents were substituted. This would explain the alleged appearance of a false Baccalaureate diploma,” reads the statement.

It also says that the manipulating titles according to which Chiril Gaburici holds a Baccalaureate diploma with signs of falsification are not confirmed by the Ministry of Education’s report, which says that the Premier wasn’t issued with a Baccalaureate diploma. Thus, it couldn’t have been falsified. 

The press reported earlier that it’s not known based on what documents Chiril Gaburici was admitted to the ASEM and then to the Slavonic University as he didn’t take the Baccalaureate exams and was expelled from the National College of Microelectronics and Computing Machines.