
Government offers 20 computers to two schools in Calarasi


Two schools in Calarasi – the Theoretical Lyceum “Mihail Sadoveanu” and the Teacher-Training College “Alexandru cel Bun” – received by 10 computers from the Government. The computers were handed over in the school year end festivities. The two institutions will thus have by a computer hall, IPN reports.

In a speech to the students, the Cabinet’s secretary general Victor Bodiu said that education is a priority for the Government. “Without education, the development of society is not possible, while our duty is to invest money in this sector and to contribute to modernizing it,” he stated.

As regards the reforms done over the last few years, Victor Bodiu said the final goal is to ensure education of a high quality, relevant to the economy and society.

The principals of the two schools, which are attended by 885 students, said the donation will help them achieve better results, the information technology in the 21st century being essential in this respect.