
Government initiates negotiations to raise loan for improving education


The Government of the Republic of Moldova initiates negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) for signing a loan agreement for a project to improve the quality of education. The US$40 million loan enables to access three grants to the total value of US$20 million, IPN reports.

According to Minister of Education Anatolie Topală, it goes to a new general education project designed to continue the good results achieved by the previous project that refers to the education reform in Moldova.

The grants will be used to improve the quality of teaching and learning environments in preschool, primary and secondary education in the Republic of Moldova, to improve teaching skills.

Anatolie Topală noted that through this project, the educational system will be helped to reduce inequalities in the access to educational services, to improve the quality of educational services, with emphasis on the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children of Moldova, including Ukrainian refugees.

The implementation period of the loan agreement is of six years (2023-2029).