
Government demands higher prices for exported grapes


Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev requested the persons in charge to ban export of grapes, unless they are at least by 10% more expensive than in the domestic market. The Prime Minister argued his request by saying that some of the exporters lower the price in invoices when selling the grape abroad. To date, grapes have been harvested on an area of 12% of the total at an average yield of 3.2 tonnes/ha, Valeriu Cibotaru, department head of the Moldova Wine Agency told the meeting of the Commission for Emergencies. According to the cited source, out of the 40,000 tonnes harvested, 30,000 tonnes are wine grapes and the remaining 10,000 are table grapes, of which 2,500 tonnes are destined to export markets. Table grapes are sold for 10-25 lei/kg in the country’s market. The 74 operating wineries purchase raw material for 2.3-3 lei/kg, in contrast to the price of 3-4.6 lei/kg recommended by Moldova Wine. Three enterprises voiced availability to make juice.