
Government assesses damage caused by rain with hail


The damage caused by the torrential rain that fell in the evening of June 18 in some of the districts of the country and possibilities of assisting those affected were examined in an emergency working meeting  called by Prime Minister Pavel Filip, IPN, reports, quoting the Government’s press office.

According to the Civil Protection and Emergencies Service, the rainstorm with hail in northern and central Moldova affected mostly Ungheni district, where the roofs of 1,062 houses were destroyed. The damage caused in the districts of Soldanesti and Floresti is being assessed.

Pavel Filip reiterated that helping the people is the main task in situations of crisis and ordered that roof slates, lumber and polyethylene should be immediately allocated from the state reserve so as to repair the damaged roofs. A decision to this effect will be taken in the June 22 meeting of the Cabinet.

The meeting also discussed the intervention of the emergency services, including the Antihail Service and the local public authorities. The Premier expressed his concern about the way in which the local authorities acted during and after the rainstorm to assess and alleviate the consequences. He instructed disseminating a circular to the district authorities to warn them what they should do in crisis situations and what measures should take.

Another subject discussed was the damage caused to the farmland and the steps that are to be taken by the authorities.

According to the Sate Hydrometeorology Service, no rain is expected in Moldova on June 19. Daytime temperatures will oscillate between 33 and 37 degrees Celsius. Rain with thunder and lightning is forecast for next weekend.