
Government approves new rules for proposing its CC candidates


The panel to select the Government’s Constitutional Court candidates shall include the prime minister, the minister of justice, the Government’s deputy secretary, and the People’s Advocate or a representative. The panel will also include two civil society representatives delegated by the EaP Civil Society Platform, a former Constitutional Court judge with an unimpeachable reputation, and a Doctor of Law with an unimpeachable reputation. The new rules were adopted today by the Government.

The call for candidates shall be advertised on the Government’s webpage and may be also advertised via any mass media. Upon the expiry of the deadline for applications, the Government Chancellery will publish the resumes of all the candidates on the Government’s webpage and will request opinions from the public, including civil society and the mass media. Anonymous opinions will not be considered.

After the deadline for receiving opinions expires, the panel shall hold a closed meeting to discuss the applications and pre-select the candidates. The list of pre-selected candidates will be published on the Government’s webpage.

The selection process will involve application scoring and interviews with the pre-selected candidates.

A Constitutional Court candidate must be a citizen of, and reside in Moldova, have an unimpeachable reputation, have a law degree and at least 15 years of work experience in the field of law, in higher legal education or legal research. Candidates must not be older than 70 and must not be banned from holding a public office or an office of public dignity.