
Government also provides details about EU macro-financial assistance and budget support


After the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova issued a clarification, the Government of the Republic of Moldova also provided details about the EU macro-financial assistance and budget support.

“Given the confusion generated by the mistaken interpretation in the public sphere of the difference between the macro-financial assistance provided by the European Union and the budget support offered to the Republic of Moldova, we decided to clarify things,” says a press release issued by the executive on November 25.

1. The Government and the Prime Minister in the official communiqués announced that the budget support will be allotted to the Republic of Moldova by the end of this year, as it can be deduced from the discussions held in Brussels with Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enragement Negotiations Johannes Hahn. The budget support will be allocated for implementing four programs specified in the 2017 state budget law.

2. At the same time, the Government didn’t inform that the money deriving from the agreement on macro-financial assistance signed on November 23, 2017 in Brussels could reach the Republic of Moldova by this yearend. In fact this is impossible given that the sides agreed a number of conditions that are to be fulfilled in the immediate period, before the disbursement of the first tranche. The macro-financial assistance totals €100 million, €40 million of which will be provided in the form of a grant.

“So, we draw attention to the difference between budget support and macro-financial assistance, given that a number of media outlets presented these as one and the same thing and this generated confusion in the public sphere,” says the press release.

A day ago, the EU Delegation in Chisinau said Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn on November 23 didn’t announce the unblocking of the macro-financial assistance or the definite disbursement of the first tranche of the €100 million in the first quarter of 2018, for the Republic of Moldova. The clarification was provided by the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova following press reports that Commissioner Johannes Hahn made the announcement about the unblocking of the macro-financial assistance for the Republic of Moldova and the disbursement of the first tranche in the first quarter of 2018.