The discussion of the bill to name the Liberal MP Valeriu Munteanu as chairman of the legal commission for appointments and immunities was postponed at the suggestion of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) by a majority of votes, IPN reports.
The Liberal leader Mihai Ghimpu said that by making such a request the PLDM is trying to make a bargain: Munteanu will be voted in as chairman of the commission if Filat is accepted as Premier. “If you don’t want to vote, then don’t. We will anyway not vote for Filat. Time has passed and he must go and have a rest. He must release his grip on the customs service, the fiscal service, the procurement process,” Mihai Ghimpu stated.
The post of chairman of the legal commission for appointments and immunities was vacated by Liberal MP Victor Popa, who was named Constitutional Court judge.