
Ghimpu swears he didn’t know about hunting incident


“The PLDM has always told lies,” the Liberal Party head Mihai Ghimpu said, commenting on the Liberal-Democrats’ assertion that he knew about the incident in the Domneasca Forest before it was made public. In the program “In Profunzime” (“In Depth”) on Pro TV channel, he said that it was Prime Minister Vlad Filat who knew about this case and should have immediately convened the Council of the Alliance for European Integration so as to discuss this incident, Info-Prim Neo reports. “I swear I didn’t know until I read the news item. The PLDM has always told lies and I will start to disclose things. They should provide evidence. I will make an inquiry to the Prosecutor’s Office,” said Mihai Ghimpu. According to him, the Premier initiated a denigration campaign against him and the Liberal Party. “I have struggled for 24 years. He does not know what cause and struggle are. He came riding a horse and during a year stole my struggle and the struggle of Dorin Chirtoaca and the Liberals. He stole our name and considers that this is struggle,” stated Mihai Ghimpu. He said that Vlad Filat knew about the tragic hunting incident in the Domneasca Forest before it was made public and he should have summoned the Council of the AEI when he found out as the PLDM holds the presidency of the Council. “If the commission of inquiry establishes that Mister Filat knew about this, I will ask that the commission obtain the telephone conversations from mobile phone carriers. I know that he knew. It’s impossible not to know when you control the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Health,” said Mihai Ghimpu. He also said that the party’s Bureau punished the director of “Moldsilva” Agency Ion Lupu, who represents the PL and who took part in the hunting, and his colleagues from the alliance should have done the same. “I was head of state and Speaker and know that the information is furnished immediately,” said the PL leader. The incident that happened on December 23 was made public by politician Sergiu Mocanu on January 6. He said then that the killing was hidden because the prosecutor general was to blame for it. The Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation, accusing the former vice president of the Chisinau Court of Appeals Gheorghe Cretu of accidental shooting. The young man who was wounded during hunting died in the hospital two days later. According to the list published by “Moldsilva”, the hunting involved 30 persons, including government officials.