
Germany is a staunch supporter of Moldova's efforts to draw closer to EU, ambassador


Germany is a staunch supporter of Moldova's efforts to draw ever closer to the EU, German Ambassador in Chisinau Berthold Johannes said in an interview for the portal Moldova.org. He stated that Germany would like to see the EU association of the Republic of Moldova to come soon, and is impressed by the efforts undertaken by the Moldovan side to adapt to EU regulations, Info-Prim Neo reports. “Germany is actively supporting that process which is a demanding one requiring much reform effort on the Moldovan side. But those reforms are worth the effort, not for pleasing the EU but for enhancing a stable economic and democratic future of Moldova. We support the reforms, we support the negotiation process, and we appreciate very much the enormous steps already taken within a relatively short period,” said Berthold Johannes. The ambassador said that the key issues that Moldova has to deal with in order to have a visa-free travel regime with the EU are the passing of the two reform laws on antidiscrimination and in the field of fighting corruption, and then starting the second phase of successfully implementing the rules. He stressed that a settlement of the Transnistrian conflict certainly would make it easier to attain the ultimate goal of Moldova, i.e. EU membership. Asked what Germany expects the Moldovan Government to do so as to be more attractive to German investors, Berthold Johannes said the investors look for reliable and predictable legal conditions for investment, profitability, and in case of conflict, for the rule of law and reliable courts. “Moldova is working hard to ensure such conditions and progress has been made. The best method of attracting investment is the satisfaction of investors you already have in the country. We support the State Chancery in this field by manpower,” said the ambassador. Berthold Johannes took up his duties in Chisinau in June 2010.