
“Gemeni” shareholders ask government to examine illegalities committed at company


Lawyer Ilie Rotaru calls on the current government and the Prosecutor’s Office to stop supporting the criminal groups of “Gemeni” company. According to them, the shareholders for several years haven’t been paid dividends by this joint stock company, but earlier the whole profit was shared out as dividends. A group of shareholders who won about 3% of the total shareholding, former employees of the company, made a call to the responsible institutions, asking these to examine the witnessed illegalities.

In a news conference staged by IPN, shareholder Aurelia Rusu said the Prosecutor’s Office, the state courts should fulfill their duties and should initiate checks. “I want to draw attention particularly to the transaction that took place in February 2019 and was authenticated by the notorious notary Olga Bondarchuk. She authenticated the contract for the sale and purchase of a shareholding by which Ground Avia Invest, which is now on the list of legal entities that are suspected of being affiliated to Ilan Shor and the Shor Party, sold to the joint stock company “Gemeni” the 100% shareholding in Aeroport Catering, which had a nominal value of 5.850 million lei at that moment, at the price €12. 320 million so as to buy that company that by the day of the transaction, several weeks earlier, sold all its assets and possessions and was practically valueless,” stated the shareholder.

Aurelia Rusu noted that a sum of €12.320 million was transferred to the account of Ground Avia Partner in 2019 and the money for the divides of all the shareholders for the next 5-7 years was this way withdrawn illegally.

Ilie Rotaru noted that “Gemeniˮ has a net profit of not less than 4 million lei a month. No one wants to determine how this money is distributed. “According to my information, a part of this money is used to finance the current protests. Almost all those from “Gemeniˮ confirm this, while the Prosecutor’s Office struggles against these protests and their financing, but does not want to establish the ways by which these groups are financed. Practically the whole trade sector in Moldova works for former rulers, while the current government tries to take over these systems,” noted the lawyer.

Ilie Rotaru said the situation at “Gemeniˮ in 2004 - 2007 was the object of an Interpol investigation. Those from the Republic of Moldova received from counterparts from Cyprus evidence showing that two firms work at “Gemeni”. One firm was registered in Cyprus, while the other one was registered in Panama, based on powers of attorneys that turned out to be forged. But nobody wants to investigate the situation.

Note: IPN News Agency gives the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements of the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.