
Fruitful results for „Anti- cancer” week


The head of the Oncological Institute, Mircea Sofroni is pleased of the results of the „Anticancer” week, which took place from May 29 – to June 4 and included a series of educational activities for health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prophylaxis and the precocious detection of cancer. In an interview offered to IPN, Mircea Sofroni, declared that as result of the activity of 32 Institute’s specialists in several raions and medical institutions of Chisinau the number of complaints increased 3-fold. A part of the patients were sent for supplementary investigations, which includes the possibility of saving human lives, said Mircea Sofroni, referring to the precocious detection of the disease. According to the specialists of the Oncological Institute, in the chart of diseases registered in the Republic of Moldova, cancer is on the 12th place and in the general chart of mortality is on the 2nd place. In 2005, 6592 of first-stage sick persons were registered. The index of the morbidity in 2005 constituted 193.4 per 100 thousand inhabitants, comparing to 190.1 in 2004. Also the index of mortality of oncological diseases increased and amounted in 2005 to 5174 deceased comparing to 5037 deceased in 2004. At the same time, the general structure of oncological morbidity shows that on the first place is situated the mammary gland cancer (11.3%), followed by skin cancer(10.2), lungs cancer(10%), gastric cancer (6.5%), rectum cancer (6.1%). The morbidity of malignant tumors at men constitutes 194.6 per 100 thousand persons, at women – 191.3 % per 100 thousand persons; at children 8.0 per 100 thousand children and has the tendency of increasing.