
Freedom of speech in Moldova continues to be oppressed


The judicial system in Moldova lack promotion of reforms that would ensure the freedom of speech and to put an end to censorship. This happens in spite of the fact that the government has already lost at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) three cases regarding the violation of the right to freedom of speech, and while other similar cases are being judged. Conclusions in this regard were made on Wednesday, 7 June, within the Press Club at which journalists and jurists took part. The participants debated those 3 cases won till present at ECHR, at the category right to freedom of speech, as well as the others that are judged, especially the case „Manole and others vs. Moldova”, where 9 journalists of the Company „Teleradio-Moldova” claim the existence of censorship. The conclusion of the participants was that at present in this field nothing changed or minor changes took place. The chairman of the Council of Bars, Gheorghe Amihalachioaie, mentioned that in Moldova it is also practiced the „phone law”, and the justice is politically controlled, no improvements being noted. „The leadership speaks about European integration, but with such justice it is unconceivable,” the expert underlined. His opinion was supported by the jurist Olivia Partac, sharing the opinion that, as long as the justice is politically controlled, there is no room for fair play. Referring to the protection of the journalists’ right to freedom of speech, the lawyer Sergiu Ostaf noted that the solution is to improve the legislation, in order to make it more clear for everyone. Vladislav Gribincea mentioned certain regulations which mass media representatives should obey in order to avoid conflicts, namely: respect of deontological ethics, making reasonable investigations, clearly sorting out opinions from facts etc. The Press Club will be held once a month and is organized by the Independent Journalism Center and Committee for Freedom of Press.