
Free media and fair elections are the main conditions for Moldova’s European aspirations – Michael Kirby


US Ambassador to Moldova Michael Kirby is concerned about the situation of media in Moldova and hopes that the local elections will be fair. Ambassador Kirby made these statements in his speech delivered on Friday, March 23 in front of the students of the State University of Moldova. The American ambassador mentioned that free and independent media is one of the most important challenges for any nation which aspires to reach true democracy. “Without independence, without the freedom to openly criticize the government, without the possibility to present different viewpoints, the other basic elements of the democracy, such as viable civil society, transparency and responsibility could become weaker and disappear”, the diplomat said. According to Michael Kirby, the majority of observers found that the public institution “Teleradio Moldova” “obviously favours the Government and the ruling party”. At the same time, the cited source says that the recent events related to “Antena C” and Radio 103.5 FM from Balti are concerning. The American diplomat said that the organization of fair elections and of a fair electoral campaign is another extremely important condition, which estimates the way Moldova is prepared to join EU. According to Kirby, during the elections the local and international observers will pay attention to the access of political parties and electorate to media, equal distribution of public funds to all candidates, the procedures related to the claims of the voters who were not included in the voting lists etc. In this context, the head of the American diplomacy said that Moldova can not allow the luxury to stay on the same position, while neighbour countries advance, more – the progress can be mimed. According to the ambassador, to join EU is not sufficient to fulfil the minimum requirements, because the competition is tough. He said he is pleased with the political and economic reforms Moldova has started, but he mentioned that besides passing laws, an important element is the implementation of reforms, by means of which foreign investments will be attracted and will contribute to the increase of health standards, transport and environment. “EU has clearly said that the way towards the European community is long and difficult, but not impossible. The changes Moldova has to make are numerous and different, but they are not necessary only to join EU, but to make Moldova a country with dynamic economy, with attractive jobs, with a good road infrastructure etc. All these reforms will be good for Moldova regardless of the final result, otherwise, the persons will be determined by poverty and lack of opportunities to leave the country”, Ambassador Kirby said.