
Free entrepreneurial training and loans of up to 300,000 lei available for youth


Youth from rural areas, aged between 18 and 30, who want to open and expand a business, can participate in free entrepreneurial trainings organized by the National Program for the Economic Empowerment of Youth (PNAET).

PNAET is a youth-targeted program promoted through the Organization for the Development of Small and Medium Businesses (ODIMM), and has two components: entrepreneurial consultancy-training and post-financing monitoring.

Marcela Stratan, ODIMM communication expert, told IPN that young people who want to receive training and consultancy, can submit and application form with a copy of the ID card by mail to ODIMM's office in Chisinau, on S. Lazo Street, no. 48, office 313, by e-mail at: seminare@odimm.md or can come in person. The trainings will inform the youth about procedures to register a business, accounting and human resource management. The courses will be organized until 2016.

In the second component of the program, young people are taught how to obtain a loan and can access loans of up to 300,000 lei, with a maturity period of 5 years and a 40% non-refundable grant portion. This component is implemented by the Ministry of Finance's Credit Line Directorate (DTL), which will monitor the youth's entrepreneurial activity during the loan duration.