
Free access to justice is the most frequently violated right in Moldova, CpDOM report


Free access to justice is the most frequently violated right in Moldova, shows a report by the Center for Human Rights of Moldova (CpDOM). 400 of the about 1,800 applications submitted to the CpDOM last year referred to the access to justice. The people complained about the delay in examining cases, non-implementation of court decisions, and violation of the right to an effective remedy, IPN reports.

CpDOM director, ombudsman Anatolie Munteanu told a news conference that the state of affairs in the field remains worrisome. Many of those who filed complaints expressed their disagreement with the passed judgment, non-observance of the term for editing court decisions and complained about the unsatisfactory behavior of judges.

Another right that was frequently violated in Moldova, according to the report, is the right to social protection and assistance. “Ensuring of decent living conditions was one of the most serious problems last year,” said the ombudsman. According to him, the permanent rise in prices of food products and public utilities is one of the decisive factors that lead to the worsening of the quality of life and the deepening of poverty.

As to the rights of persons with disabilities, most of the complaints refer to the access to state institutions. “Though the relevant central public authorities report measures taken to adjust the habitual environment to the needs of the disabled persons, no essential changes were made in this respect last year,” said Anatolie Munteanu.

He stated that the petitioners also complained about the violation of prisoners’ rights, including inhuman treatment, inappropriate detention conditions, unprepared personnel, etc.

Fifteen of the 1,766 complaints received were examined in court. In most of them the plaintiffs won the case.