
Franco Frattini speaks rather through angle of Russia, than that of OSCE, expert


The Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the Transnistrian Settlement Process Franco Frattini, who is to pay his first visit to Moldova since his appointment, speaks rather through the angle of Russia, than that of the OSCE, which he represents now at the 5+2 talks, president of the Foreign Policy Association (APE) Victor Chirila stated in connection with the statements made by Franco Frattini in an interview for Russia Today.

“He said the pullout of the Russians troops does not seem realistic to him at present. But this is not the official position of the OSCE or of Italy, which now holds the chairmanship of this organization. This statement generated bewilderment even if the OSCE during the past 15 years have spoken less about the withdrawal of the Russian forces, troops and munitions from the Transnistrian region and this is regrettable,” Victor Chirila stated in an interview for Radio Free Europe’s Moldovan Service, quoted by IPN.

The APE president noted that Franco Frattini represents not himself at these talks, but a collective institution – the OSCE – which consists of 57 states that took a unanimous common decision and, regardless of the context, this organization must insist according to the own decision, not only on the facilitation on the fulfillment of the commitments made by Russia, but also on the fulfillment by Russia of these. “I think Mister Frattini spoke under the influence of particular discussions that he had with Russian partners,” noted the expert.

According to Victor Chirila, the OSCE is a mediator that should be equidistant and should help Moldova promote sector cooperation so as to build confidence and also approach crucial subjects for the future reintegration of the country. As long as the Russian troops stay illegally on Moldova’s territory, they remain an obstacle to bundling confidence, including for the future reintegration.

“The peacekeeping mission did its job and accomplished its mission. We now speak about an entirely different situation. This mission does not have such a mandate and is not equipped to facilitate such confidence building. At the same time, this mission should be transformed. The OSCE should help us to transform this peacekeeping mission as soon as possible. I also speak about the human rights. The OSCE practically does not speak about the human rights violations in the Transnistrian region and this is regrettable. This is my viewpoint,” stated Victor Chirila.

He added that Moldova should insist more than ever on the unconditional and complete pullout of the Russian troops and munitions that remained in the Transnistrian regions. Without this pullout, no broad confidence building program will be successful, no matter how much money is invested in this region.

Franco Frattini, who is to pay a visit to Chisinau during March 26-28, earlier said there is a clear difference between the trilateral Moldovan-Russian-Transnistrian peacekeeping forces and the Operational Group of Russian Forces in Moldova. According to him, the Russian peacekeeping troops in the Transnistrian region ensure the security and free movement in the security zone. In an interview with the press financed by the Kremlin, he noted the withdrawal of the Russian troops from the Transnistrian region seems unrealistic to him.