
Fountains lost their technical use


Several of the capital's fountains are non-functional, since they have lost their technical use after modern air-cooling equipment was invented. The basic mission of the fountains built in the Soviet period was to cool the summer air in the buildings near which they were erected. In time, the system proved to be more expensive in comparison with the alternatives that emerged on the market. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, Deputy Mayor Nistor Grozavu stated that, after the fountains lost their technical use, the Privatization Agency put them out for sale during the former Communist governing period. “The Municipality cannot do anything about it. The State must intervene and keep these goods under its management, then pass them on to Municipal management, so that the fountains can be used as decorative elements”, said the branch Deputy Mayor. Nistor Grozavu gave the example of the “Maria Biesu” Opera and Ballet Theater square fountain, which was initially intended as an air-cooling system, and later modernized and transformed into a decorative element. When asked about the fountain from the Railroad Worker's Culture Center square fountain, Nistor Grozavu stated that it broke down due to some system defects, yet will be renovated once the monument in the memory of deportees is erected in the Central Railroad Station square. Its iron decorations and nighttime lighting will be restored. The Chisinau Municipality currently has 18 fountains under its management, according to its official website.