
Forum of researchers from national library system, at National Library of Moldova


The National Library is holding the Science Days this week, and one of the events is the National Library System Researchers' Forum. The event brings together representatives of national, departmental and territorial librarianship centres, educational and research institutions, local and central administrative management bodies, IPN reports.

At the opening of the forum, Elena Pintilei, director general of the National Library, has stated that this event is being organized for the fourth year in a row, with interesting subjects for both the specialized area and library users. "Today's forum constitutes part of a series of events organized by the National Library together with the entire national library system. It is an event dedicated to Science Days in the Republic of Moldova, to be attended by both researchers and students, intellectuals and other people interested in the development of science”, noted Elena Pintilei.

Victoria Vasilica, head of the Studies and Research department at the National Library, has specified that the purpose of this forum is to implement the research culture in libraries by enhancing the research-library-librarian relations in the context of the strategic and regulatory framework of library activity. "Currently the user’s migration from the physical space to the virtual space takes place. There the user does not always find quality contents suitable for his needs. And we, the librarians, are the ones who could examine, systematize and index the information in the digital space in order to provide quality information for our users,” explains Victoria Vasilica.

Nelly Țurcan, PhD, professor at the State University of Moldova, has mentioned that the library has always been a key element in the research process and in the process of scientific communication. This is because the library provides information support to researchers and mediates access to the results of research materialized in publications for the entire academic community, but also for the entire interested society. "Why does the librarian need to be a researcher? Some do it out of passion because they want to conduct research, but first of all, research is needed for the library. If the library wants to be competitive on the information market, it must know the needs of the society and provide the necessary services to the society,” stressed Nelly Țurcan.

The event is attended by guests from Ukraine. Natalia Dba, head of the Odessa National Library, says the library and science have always been closely linked. Last year, a reading room for researchers was opened at the National Library of Odessa and meanwhile it became very popular.

During the Science Days, November 4-10, the National Library organizes activities focused on promoting open science and open scientific culture, participatory science in the community, encouraging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education of user-researchers, as well as promoting the importance and impact of scientific phenomena, etc.