
Former PM Vasile Tarlev launches presidential campaign


Former prime minister Vasile Tarlev, nominated by the Future of Moldova Party, has officially launched his presidential campaign, promising industrialization, enhanced social assistance, and a “national heritage” status for the Church as some of the highlights of his manifesto.

“We have to unite, work together, and get along to achieve decent living for everybody. Moldova has a better future, as a sovereign, independent and prosperous state. On October 20, we have the chance to change not only the trajectory of our lives, but also the future of our homeland. We can direct Moldova on the path of development, well-being, peace and truth”, declared Vasile Tarlev during the launch event.

The former prime minister announced that his program is based on ten objectives, with economic recovery topping the list.

“We will launch an industrialization program that will transform Moldova into a country of innovation and economic progress. By modernizing agriculture and supporting farmers, we will build a sustainable economy that will shine both on the domestic and international markets”, Tarlev emphasized.

The proposed measures include simplifying business registration procedures and significantly cutting taxes, which the former prime minister says will create at least 120,000 well-paid jobs. The candidate also made a comparison between the current economic situation and the time he headed the government: “Since 2009, the industry has decreased by 45%, and the number of jobs has dropped dramatically from 1.4 million to .72 million. This must stop, and my team and I are ready to rebuild the country’s economy”, said Vasile Tarlev.

Justice is another a priority in Tarlev’s manifesto. He described the current situation in the judiciary as “catastrophic”, promising to ensure the independence of the judiciary. “I swear, the Constitution will always guide me, as will the Bible”, affirmed Tarlev.

As for foreign policy, Tarlev said he wanted a more “neutral” Moldova:

“I am not against Europe. We are geographically European, but we must build Europe at home. As for foreign policy, I firmly believe that Moldova’s neutrality is one of the main pillars that will help our country remain intact. Those who advocate for military blocs do not know what war means. Moldova will be a country of peace. We will develop ties with all our strategic partners, such as the EU, Russia, China and other countries”.


Endorsement speeches were given by former Gagauzia governor Valeri Ianioglo and former Constitutional Court president Dumitru Pulbere, among other figures.

Vasile Tarlev was prime minister of Moldova between 2001-2008. He was allocated #4 in the preliminary ballot paper.