
Former members of AMN willing to reanimate Liberal National Party


MP Anatol Taranu says that the Moldovan electors failed in 2001 a historical chance to vote the Liberal National Party (LNP) that proposed the idea of Moldova–Romania interstate union. Taranu says if this initiative would have been supported, Moldova would have entered the European Union in January 2007, along with Romania. “We return to the project to open a passage for accelerating the Moldova’s accession to the European Union, within 7-10 years”, Taranu said Friday November 10 at a press conference of the initiative group for LNP reconstitution. The initiative group comprises the former members of the Permanent Bureau of the “Moldova Noastra” Alliance (AMN), as well as MP Vitalia Pavlicenco, former deputy head of the AMN National Youth Organization, Dumitru Jioara, ex-chairman of LNP, Mircea Rusu. “The idea to reconstitute the party came starting the first day when I left the Alliance. It took one month for examinations and analyses. LNP will appear on the political spectrum as a right-wing party, with centrist features, which amalgamates the idea of national renaissance with the liberal movement”, Anatol Taranu added. MP Vitalia Pavlicenco said that the initiative group for the LNP reconstitution comprises over 80 persons, to a certain extent, members that abandoned the AMN. According to the cited source, in 2/3 of the country’s raions there were set up territorial structures, while the Ministry of Justice confirmed that the LNP name is available. The liberal arrow will be as Party’s symbol. According to the cited sources, the party’s programme, which is underway, has similitude to that of AMN, but it “explains the liberal options more clearly”. The initiative group does not exclude the dialogue to form the joint liberal pole, an idea launched one year ago by the Liberal Social Party, and affirms that this thing could happen under the umbrella of a single party or in concert with the liberal forces. At the same conference, leaders of the AMN territorial organizations from Tiraspol and Grigoriopol have announced their abandonment from the Alliance and support of the idea to reconstitute the LNP.