
Former Communist mayors and councilors from 10 districts join PDM


A group of mayors and local councilors from a number of settlements left the Communist Party (PCRM) and joined the Democratic Party (PDM). In a news conference, they said they decided to join the PDM because the party of which they formed part has radical views and does not focus on the problems of settlements, IPN reports.

“We want to form part of the PDM because the people from settlements are interested in financing projects implemented with the support of the EU. We want to live in a European country and want every settlement to be clean and developed, with modern infrastructure. We want our people to stop going abroad and to have comfortable conditions in their settlements. We saw that the PCRM cannot provide something like this, namely access to European projects that would bring money to the settlements,” said the mayor of Biruinta town of Sangera district Petru Boev.

He also said that the chairman of the PDM Marian Lupu found out that not all the residents of Biruinta had access to the gas network and dealt with this problem. Now the town has an extended gas network. “There is greater democracy in the PDM and we, the mayors, are being listened to. Every time we seek help, they listen to us and help us to the extent to which they can,” he stated.

The 13 mayors who joined the PDM are: Andrei Pislari, mayor of Vishneovca village of Cantemir district; Boris Lisenco - Pivniceni, Donduseni; Valentin Cebotari – Tirnova, Donduseni; Serafim Bejenari – Molovata Veche, Dubasari; Ion Basly - Gangura, Ialoveni; Claudia Ivanov - Iargara, Leova; Maria Pisarciuc - Taura Veche, Sangerei; Petru Boev - Biruinta, Sangerei; Alexei Burlacu - Rogojeni, Soldanesti; Pavel Draguta - Raspopeni, Soldanesti; Ivan Tashnichenko - Musaitu, Taraclia; Vasile Matveev - Cornesti, Ungheni, and Valeriu Negara from Agronomovca, Ungheni. The two district councilors are: Constantin Putregai from Cantemir and Stefan Grosu from Straseni.

The Democratic Party said more people from the mentioned settlements earlier announced their intention to join the Democratic team.