
Former Christian democrat joins “Green Alliance” and “Social Action”


MP Valentina Cusnir, who left PPCD in May 2006, announced she will run for of mayor of Calarasi on the lists of the “Green Alliance” and ”Social Action” Blocs (AV BAS). At a press conference, held on Friday, March 30, Valentina Cusnir mentioned that she was “courted” practically by all the parliamentary and extra parliamentary parties after leaving PPCD, but only AV BAS unconditionally gave her the chance to fight for the seat of the mayor of her native settlement, without asking her to become the member of the bloc. The MP made an appeal to the electorate to unite and vote for the mayor of the capital the common candidate supported by AV BAS and by other parties that would choose to join. “The creation of new parties is not a solution to break the political deadlock that we are currently experiencing. The right-wing electorate is in a deep despair and confused anyway. It is needed to join our efforts”, Cusnir said. BAS municipal councillor Ion Mamaliga stated that there is a list of the potential candidates for the post of mayor of Chisinau, but he will not name anyone until having his partners’ acceptance. At present AV BAS is negotiating with “Moldova Noastra” Alliance and the Liberal Social Party, which are willing to support a common candidate. According to the municipal councillor, the AV BAS’ idea is to support an unaffiliated candidate. But in case the parties which accepted to negotiate will field a competent person, the Bloc will back it. At the same time, Mamaliga stated that AV BAS will reject the proposals of the parties that have already announced their candidates for the position of mayor. On March 23, the Ecologist Party “Green Alliance” and “Social Action” Bloc from the Chisinau Municipal Council announced their intention to support a common candidate for the post of general mayor of the capital.