
Foreign experts’ participation in discussions of alliance and Opposition is important, analyst


Expert of the Association for Participative Democracy Corneliu Gurin considers it is important that representatives of the U.S., the EU and Russia take part in the negotiations between the ruling alliance and the Opposition, which are aimed at overcoming the crisis. According to the analyst, it would be good if the talks also involved a representative of civil society. “The political crisis should be overcome not at any cost by reforming the coalition and making dramatic changes to the internal and external policy, but by implementing reforms in separate areas,” Corneliu Gurin stated for Info-Prim Neo. The analyst said the Opposition is very intransigent in what it does and already adopted decisions within the party. This means that they already eliminated the possibility of open negotiations. Corneliu Gurin believes it will be the parties that will take decisions as the leaders of the parliamentary groups authorized to hold talks are only exponents who will not decide the county’s political future. Last week, heavyweights of the Alliance for European Integration said they will delegate the leaders of the parliamentary groups of the AEI to hold talks with the leaders of the Communist parliamentary group so as to reach a consensus as regards the election of the head of state. Representatives of the PCRM repeatedly said they are ready to sit at the negotiating table, but will not vote in Marian Lupu as head of state. The Communist MPs even signed a document, pledging to vote unanimously in the sittings and to obey the collective decisions of the PCRM.