
“For almost 20 years, no side has presented any plan to settle the Transnistrian conflict” Info-Prim Neo interview with Grigori Volovoi, the president of the foundation “The Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Transnistria”


[ - Could you, please, word up a definition for the Moldovan State in its 17th year of Independence? Please point out the most significant successes and failures] - The Republic of Moldova formed as state with independent policies and interests. The main failures: the unsettled Moldo-Transnistrian conflict; the low living standard. The main achievements: the development of economy and the hike in the living standard compared with the initial period of forming the state. [ - To what degree is Moldova independent now? From whom?] - The small countries always depend on a number of factors. We should not forget they are linked to the sales markets. There are historical roots. I can say Moldova is independent to a considerable degree in making political decisions. [- You were one of the leaders of the Movement for Equality and Rights „Unitate-Edinstvo”. To what extend to you think the actions your team undertook then contributed to the betterment of the state and its people?] - I was not a leader of that Movement, because I lived in Bender and I defended the interests of the Transnistrian inhabitants in the Moldovan Parliament. I can only say that the MPs from Transnistria, which attended the sessions despite anything, were very constructive. They saw and warn on the negative consequences of the radical policy promoted by the then leaders of Moldova. This is now confirmed by most of our MPs, even by those in opposition to us. As time passes, many things become clearer, the smoke of radicalism dissipates. Perhaps, Moldova should have passed through such trials, in order to understand you cannot make anyone love and feel as a single people. Anyway, what happened compelled many leaders to review their positions and it means the state had much to gain from it. [ - Which of the values promoted then you have remained devoted to?] - I am devoted to them today, too. This is peacefully solving the conflict, by compromise, by observing the main interests of both sides. [ - Which are the origins of the Transnistrian conflict that erupted during that period? It takes so long to see it solved and what may the solution be?] - The origin of the conflict does not lie in the Transnistrians' secessionism. Its roots are in the militant national-radicalism, which had led to the military confrontation and to the appearance of breakaway moves in Transnistria. If someone forgot it, then I would remind that Moldova's leadership wanted then to unite Moldova to Romania, what is confirmed today by many documents. They needed the independence only to join the neighboring country. In fact it was betraying the national interests, stated from the Parliament's floor then. The conflict lasts for long because the sides do not want to find a compromise variant. I remind that no side has presented, up to now (!), its settling plan at talks. Under these circumstances, many depend on Russia and mediating countries. The solution can be only one: Moldova keeps its territorial integrity, but turns into a state with federative and confederative constituting elements. This is to be obtained by mutually advantageous compromise. I remind that, today, settling the conflict is as important as ever for the Republic. Only this is going to allow Moldova to develop further as an integral and independent state. [ - Please continue Alexei Mateevici's verse from “Limba noastra...” (Our language is... ) with what you think should follow] - It's funny to compare oneself to big personalities in continuing their phrases, especially when it comes to poetry. Everyone has the duty to be proud of his/her native language, all the more a Moldovan with rich cultural values.