A number of students who plead for the observance of human rights sang John Lenon’s song “Imagine” near the monument to Ruler Stephan the Great in central Chisinau. The flashmob meeting was organized by Amnesty International (AI) Moldova on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day that is marked on December 10, IPN reports.
“Those who are in power must realize that all the roads cannot go to Strasbourg. The people pay taxes and our rights must be protected here, in Moldova, now that a justice reform is done. The corrupt functionaries from the law enforcement bodies must be dismissed. We want definite cases, not only promises,” said AI Moldova executive director Cristina Pereteatcu.
She also said that the human rights are often violated in Moldova and the people do not trust the justice system. “It is our duty to sensitize the public opinion and to inform the people about the existence of the Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring of Equality, whose aim is to defend the rights of every person,” stated Cristina Pereteatcu.
One of the successful programs of AI Moldova, which won the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights, is Education for Human Rights. Though this program, the organization informs the students and teachers about the human rights, prints materials for courses and stages training seminars for school teachers.
Amnesty International Moldova has about 3,000 members. It started work in Moldova 20 years ago.