
Fixed fees for groups with extended hours in schools of Chisinau


The municipality set fixed fees for groups with extended hours in the schools of Chisinau: 360 lei per month for a program extended by three hours and 690 lei for six hours. Payments will be made based on a bill issued by the institution. Children from socially vulnerable families will attend groups with extended program free of charge, the head of the General Education, Youth and Sports Division Andrei Pavaloi announced in the weekly meeting of officials of municipal services, IPN reports.

Three years ago, in accordance with the Education Code, the City Hall identified money to additionally finance schools, covering costs related to the extended program. In total, the lists of primary school children include 38,679 pupils. Until the New Year, about 30,000 students were enrolled in groups with extended hours financed from the municipal budget.

“Together with the pressure exerted by the Government on the municipal budget, the Division repealed the orders for financing the groups with extended program, but the groups continued work. The work of such groups is stipulated in the regulations worked out by the Ministry of Education and Research and in the Education Code. Through the repeal orders, the rights to organize the work of groups were transmitted to schools, which are to decide on these activities,” said Andrei Pavaloi.

According to him, until December 31, out of the 1,040 groups, practically 93% were three-hour groups. After three hours, parents informally made payments to continue the group’s work. These payments were between 300 and 1,200 lei a month and this money didn’t reach the institution’s budget.

As the legislation allows schools to provide services for money, the working group set up to identify solutions regarding the groups with extended hours proposed setting official fees. There were thought up regulations for the provision of paid services for groups with extended hours. Parents who will request to enroll the children in the extended program for a fee will be issued with a monthly bill, by the model of food bill issued in kindergartens.

Andrei Pavaloi said that it was decided to offer particular benefits to socially vulnerable families. So, about 6,000 children will be able to attend groups with extended hours free of charge.

All documents will be finalized and signed this week so as to implement the identified solution.