
First-year medical students take an oath


“The people’s health is the supreme law”. This will be the slogan of the first-year students of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiţanu” who on September 1 took the physician’s and pharmacist’s oath. The ceremony to welcome the students admitted to the first year was held at the National Palace “Nicolae Sulac” in Chisinau, IPN reports.

Emil Ceban, the rector of “Nicolae Testemiţanu” University, said the students took the first step into the enigmatic world of medical knowledge, towards the noble goal of becoming a specialist in medicine. The role played and effort made by medical workers for the national health system and for society in general is now felt more than ever.

So far, during 77 years, the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiţanu” trained over 47,000 physicians and pharmacists, specialists for the Republic of Moldova and for another 35 countries. Addressing the students, the rector said that that they need to have a serious attitude to studies, to work hard and be devoted. “Each new university year shall bring you closer to the final goal – to become valuable specialists for the health system of Moldova,” said Emil Ceban, wishing the students good luck in the marathon of knowledge and learning of the future profession of physician or pharmacist.

Minister of Health Ala Nemerenco said that modernizing the health system is the Ministry’s desideratum. “The profession of doctor requires perseverance, abnegation to learn throughout life. It also contains the pain of loss and swift taking of decisions. Since the time of studies, you will feel the taste of night shifts, of the responsibility of a decision,” stated the official.

Maria Dorogan, first-year medical student, said that she has wanted to become a doctor since she was a child. “When I visited a medical institution, I felt I was at home. My parents supported me and developed this strong character in me. After I graduate the university, I would like to remain in Moldova, but I would also like to do internships outside the country,” noted the student.

Irina Antofica, a student of the University’s new program “Physio-kinetotherapy and Rehabilitation”, also said that she is supported by her parents. “I will be able to help the people without medicines and surgery. I decided I will become a student of this University when I was in the sixth grade. The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy is one of the largest universities in the country. After graduation, I will stay in the country for a period and then I will see. I hope Moldova will become a development platform for doctors,” said the student.

The young people who were admitted to “Nicolae Testemiţanu” University this year total 1,084. The figure includes the 450 persons admitted on a budget funded place and 634 students admitted on a contract basis.