
First platform to report cases of violence against women in elections


The first platform for mapping cases of sexism in the public sphere and cases of violence against women in the campaign prior to the November 1 presidential elections, especially women involved in politics, was launched in Moldova. gender.monitor.md was devised by the Gender Equality Platform in partnership with the Promo-LEX Association, the Association “Woman for Contemporary Society” and Gender-Centru with support from UN Women Moldova, IPN reports.

The citizens are encouraged to be responsible and report cases of violence by providing evidence, such as photo or text files, or submitting official notifications to the competent institutions so as to contribute to public accountability on the process of conducting a nondiscriminatory and nonsexist campaign.

“Even if we are in the 21st century and the gender equality situation witnessed particular progress, an additional, consolidated effort is needed to combat gender stereotypes, violence against women in the political life and the sexist speech to which they are subjected. By this instrument, we will map the abuses faced by female candidates in the current and next election campaigns,” said Promo-LEX analyst Cornelia Călin, who heads the Gender Equality Platform.

According to the data collected at public debates, 52% of the female candidates met with violence during the elections, while 43% of the female electoral activists were subject to aggression, hate speech and violence during the elections. Also, 45% of the interviewed women said they witnessed cases of violence against women who took part in the electoral process, but only 15% of them reported the cases of violence.

Svetlana Andrieș, of UN Women Moldova, said the platform will be that instrument by which notifications will be made and by which the confidentiality of those who provide evidence will be kept. The goal is to collect notifications and to follow the players at the next stages.