The first two operations in the new surgical block of the National Clinical Hospital were performed on May 12. Both of the patients were in a critical condition, IPN reports.
According to a communiqué from the Hospital, one of the patients – a girl aged two from Colonita village – was hospitalized with pulmonary hypertension at an advanced stage, being at the limit of operability. Since the age of one year, the girl has suffered from a cardiac disease, her state of health being aggravated by multiple malformations. The child was operated by Liviu Maniuc and the surgery lasted for over two hours. She is now in a stable post-operation condition, with her mother being satisfied with the professionalism of the team of doctors.
The second patient – a man aged 57 from Selemet, Cimislia – was hospitalized in a critical state with a complex disease that endangered his life. After undergoing surgery for about five hours, the patient feels fine. The team of doctors led by Aureliu Batranac is optimistic about his state of health after the operation performed by them.
The Hospital’s surgical wards are outfitted with the most modern equipment and special devices for performing cardiac surgery on children and grownups.