
First Fish Festival to be staged in Nimoreni


Nimoreni village of Ialoveni district will host the first Fish Festival. Festival organizer Natalia Eremia has told IPN that they aim to increase interest in fish consumption, to promote healthy food and to also promote Nimoreni, which is located only 10 km from the capital city, but is not well known, even if it has many ponds and lakes.

The festival will include an exhibition of fish food, handicrafts and cooking demonstrations, contests with prizes, fishing, music and other recreational activities.

The proceeds from the sale of fish products will be invested in buying sports equipment for a youth center. Natalia Eremia said the local authorities submitted a project to the Center Regional Development Agency for obtaining financing. This envisions the opening of a youth center designed to motivate the young people to remain in the village as these leave for Chisinau because they do not have an occupation.

Amateur fishermen will be able to catch fish free during the festival. Entrance to the festival and parking will also be free.

The Fish Festival will take place at the stadium Noroc-Nimoreni on October 9, starting at 10am.