
Film producers seek intervention of Ministry of Education in assessing activity of NCC


A number of film directors and producers of Moldova requested the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research to assess the financial year 2017 of the National Cinematography Center (NCC) and to ask for a report from the Court of Auditors on the Center’s financial activity last year, before the launch of a new cinematographic contest.

In a news conference at IPN, film producer Sergiu Prodan said the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research should provide answers to a number of questions, such as if the promotion of persons who work at the NCC was based on professional integrity merits, if the legal regime of incompatibilities and advertising limitations at the NCC was respected and if favoritism was avoided. Also, the NCC should make public the plan of activities for 2018 and the activity report for 2017.

The filmmakers signaled a number of violations committed by the Center’s director Valeriu Jereghi, who, according to them, acts in the name of the institution and for personal purposes. They presented two letters addressed by the NCC director to Moldova’s ambassadors to Ukraine and France, written in the name of the institution. By the letter he seeks the organization of a cultural evening with the Moldovan diaspora where to show films directed by him.

“We do not speak about Mister Jereghi and his merits. We want to speak about the manager of a public institution that has particular limitations, such as ethical limitations, limitations of conflicts of interests. The NCC should fulfill its duties. We want to see the objectives for next year and these should be made public and discussed. The second contest will be soon launched and the situation is even more obscure than in the case of the first contest,” stated Sergiu Prodan.

YOUBESC Film producer Sergiu Cumatrenco insisted that the regulations of the contest announced by the National Cinematography Center should be improved and the whole legislation in the field should be reviewed. Also, a relevant strategy needs to be worked out.

In December 2017, a number of film directors and producers accused Valeriu Jereghi of abuse and serious violations in the management of the NCC.