
Filip Government was sworn in


The Government headed by Democrat Pavel Filip, which was voted in on January 20, was sworn in close to midnight the same day. The swearing in ceremony was held behind closed doors, the press not being informed about the event. The State Residence was surrounded by police officers to prevent people from passing in, IPN reports.

According to the presidential press service, in the ceremony the head of state made a call for calm to the people of Moldova, saying the use of violence will bring no good.

“I hope this Government, which was formed after a long period of political instability and with an interim executive, will know to administer the difficult situation experienced by Moldova with competence and skillfulness. The economic and financial situation must be stabilized first of all so that the social benefits are paid on time. Therefore, the dialogue with the development partners should be immediately resumed, including with international financial institutions,” President Nicolae Timofti said, addressing the newly invested ministers.

He noted that the credibility of the new Cabinet at internal and external levels will depend on the steps it will take in the immediate future. “The people’s support is an obligatory element for the success of the governmental policies. I want good cooperation to exist between the Government and Parliament so that the European reforms are promoted. You can count on the support of the head of state in this regard,” stated Nicolae Timofti.

The voting in of the Filip Government was accompanied by large protests mounted by the Civic Platform “Dignity and Truth”, the Party of Socialists and the “Our Party” near the Parliament Building. Some of the protests resorted to violence, several MPs being attacked. The protest organizers invited the people to a new demonstration to show their disagreement with the investiture of the executive on January 21.