
Filat is suffocated by fatidic embrace of Plahotniuc, Sergiu Mocanu


The political career of Prime Minister Vlad Filat is going down and his political death is inevitable, considers the leader of the Anti-Mafia People’s Movement Sergiu Mocanu. He stated that the Premier is suffocated by the fatidic embrace of the First Deputy Speaker Vlad Plahotniuc, Info-Prim Neo reports. Sergiu Mocanu said that the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) headed by Vlad Filat witnesses a revolt. He made reference to the statement of the Liberal-Democratic MP Ion Butmalai, who said that the cases opened against the companies owned by Plahotniuc are immediately taken over by the Prosecutor’s Office, without being examined. This statement was made without the consent of the party’s leader and is a sign that the members of the PLDM do not want Filat and Plahotniuc to come to terms. “Vlad Plahotniuc has control in all the areas. He has equipment for tapping the phones, a special budget for paying salaries to prosecutors and judges and 500 well-trained persons in two guard firms. His bodies are more efficient than the state ones,” Sergiu Mocanu said in a news conference. He also said that Moldova is governed by international mafia organizations from behind, while the situation presented by the authorities is a simulated one and in autumn the country will enter a huge budgetary crisis. “Nothing happens 10 km beyond the capital city. There is a deserted country there. The local branches of the parties do nothing, but only look for ways to appropriate money,” stated Sergiu Mocanu. According to Mocanu, Vlad Plahotniuc plans to reform not only the PDM, but the whole political system of the country. “Plahotniuc no longer needs Marian Lupu. The only reason for which he continues to keep this puppet in the party’s administration is the fact that he has not yet managed to introduce the uninominal vote. He knows that his party will not pass the election threshold if he heads the party,” said the leader of the Anti-Mafia Movement. Sergiu Mocanu is convinced that the ruling alliance will succumb in autumn as it made many mistakes, one of which is the adoption of the Law on Guaranteeing of Equality that disappointed everyone, including the European Partners. According to him, the minorities became angry because they did not get the rights they wanted, while the rest of society is angry because such a law was passed.