The situation in the Transnistrian region is the result of the provocations of those who want to destabilize the situation in Moldova, former Prime Minister Vlad Filat said in the program “In the Mirror” on the channel Euro TV. Vlad Filat believes that dialogue is now needed as well as the constructive involvement of Moscow in this process, IPN reports.
“We must admit that at the current stage Moscow becomes involved as an observer in the process, not as a side that has the status of guarantor,” Vlad Filat said, referring to the position of the Kremlin.
The ex-Premier said that on June 19 he had a telephone conversation with Yevgeny Shevchuk, whom he offered congratulations on his birthday, but didn’t manage to discuss the situation in the region with him.
The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party also said that the Moldovan authorities should not cause panic in society. “Our duty is not only to have a prompt reaction, as some of the politicians like to say, but also to have an outlook for the future period. Even if it may seem strange, we must build confidence within this dialogue. We must continue to involve the foreign partners in the Transnistrian conflict settlement process to a greater extent. There is no other solution,” stated Vlad Filat.
He added that similar provocations existed earlier too. “This is not a new situation. It is regrettable because the agreements we reached and the atmosphere in which we communicated in the period during I was Prime Minister were different,” said Vlad Filat referring to the communication with Yevgeny Shevchuk.
On June 10, the Transnistrian leader Yevgeny Shevchuk signed a so-called legal act on the region’s border, which includes the Moldovan-administered Bender town, Varnita and two more villages