
Fewer persons seek asylum or status of refugee in Moldova, UNHCR


The number of persons who seek asylum or the status of refugee in the Republic of Moldova has decreased during the last two years. About 200 applications a year were submitted earlier, but in 2017 the figure declined to 74, with 43 application being filed during the first five months of this year. Even lower is the number of persons who received protection in the Republic of Moldova, of only 12.

In a news conference at IPN, Head of the National Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the Republic of Moldova Traian Turcanu said Moldova is not an attractive destination for refugees when many Moldovan citizens leave the country. Some choose Moldova as a destination country because it is peace here. The refugees in Moldova are educated persons who know Romanian, study and work. A difference should be made between migrants and refugees. The first take a decision to live the county usually because they want to work in another country, while the refugees are forced to leave their country owing to wars or conflicts.

According to the head of the Asylum and Integration Division of the Ministry of the Interior’s Migration and Asylum Bureau Iulian Popov, in 2001 Moldova joined the community of states that signed the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugee. Since then, over 1,800 persons found asylum temporarily or permanently on Moldova’s territory. The state organizes the integration of refugees into society. A person considers himself integrated when this has access to studies, to a job and to medical services and has an income.

President of the Charity Center for Refugees Djavid Paknehad said the refugees in Moldova make considerable progress in integrating into society. The Center, in partnership with other partners, stage different activities in this regard, such as free Romanian language lessons (including online for refugees from all over the country) and trips to different regions to learn about the country’s history. The Center provides temporary accommodation to refugees and assistance in looking for a job. It is very important for the refugees to know the official language as this way they easier find a job and can earn their living.

Karim Amalid and her daughter AAli Yuser came to Moldova from Iraq seven years ago. They managed to study Romanian. It was hard for them initially, but after they learned Romanian, things changed to the better. Karim Amalid said she chose Moldova as a destination because it is peace here and she would never return to her country of origin.

In its annual Global Trends report, released today, the UN Refugee Agency said 68.5 million people were displaced as of the end of 2017. Refugees who have fled their countries to escape conflict and persecution accounted for 25.4 million of the 68.5 million. This is 2.9 million more than in 2016, also the biggest increase UNHCR has seen in a single year.

World Refugee Day is annually observed on June 20.