
Female candidate for presidency examined by medical commission


Only one person has been examined by the medical commission for checking the state of health of the candidates for the presidency since the date of the new elections was set, the commission’s head Sergiu Ungureanu has told Info-Prim Neo. According to the chairman of the special commission for organizing the presidential elections Tudor Deliu, the candidate is Tatiana Melnic. “I spoke with her only over the phone. She inquired about the documents she needed. I understood that she asked for meetings with the heads of the parliamentary groups to secure the MPs’ support,” said Tudor Deliu. Fourteen candidates had been examined by the medical commission for the December 16 presidential elections. Only five of them were declared fit to run for the presidency. Sergiu Ungureanu said there are a number of diseases that prevent the applicants from becoming President. They include somatic and mental diseases such as heart trouble and hypertension that cannot be controlled by medications. A person suffering from such an illness may fall from the rostrum when speaking for example. The deadline for submitting applications for being registered as presidential candidates is January 12.