
Fee for attempting BAC exams a third time proposed at 500 lei


The fee a student is proposed to pay when trying to pass the BAC exams for a third time a year is set at 500 lei under a draft Government decision put up for public consultations, IPN reports.

Under the proposal, the money will go to the National Evaluation Commission to cover organizational expenses. The size of the fee has been estimated given that all the examination centers will be located in Chisinau and that, based on previous years, the third attempt is expected to be attended by at least half of those who didn’t pass the first two attempts.

“Our goal is to maximally reduce the number of those who don’t pass the national Baccalaureate exam, with the last few sessions showing an upward trend of pass rates”, says the accompanying note. However, fewer students left for the third attempt also means higher per student costs, the note suggested.

Expenses include writing of test papers and keeping them secured, in addition to printing costs, evaluation efforts, video surveillance and other expenses.

Lyceum education culminates with a national Baccalaureate examination, colloquially known as BAC exams. Students can take three attempts a year to pass them, and the Government proposes that students pay a fee for the last one.