
Fate of Antena C and Euro TV will be set on agenda again – candidate for municipal councillor


The former deputy director of “Antena C” radio station Ecaterina Stratan decided to run as independent candidate for municipal councillor in order to set the issue of “Antena C” radio station and “Euro TV” channel on the agenda again. This statement was made by Stratan on Monday, May 7, at a news conference held at Info-Prim Neo. Stratan intends to show that the radio station was illegally privatised, while the journalists were inhumanly sacked. In her words, it is not accidentally that the two stations were sold before the elections. That is because the Party of Communists has never won the elections in Chisinau before, while “Antena C” was a radio station that always spoke the truth. Stratan further stated that she has attended all the CMC and City Hall meetings for 12 years, hosted radio and TV programmes, therefore she is familiar with public administration matters and thinks she could cope with this job. Among her objectives and priorities, Ecaterina Stratan mentioned transparency in managing public money, de-bureaucratisation and modernisation of the City Hall’s infrastructure, open access to services provided by City Hall, creation of conditions for many-child families, funds for supporting old people and disabled persons etc. She said she relies on the trust of the category of common people that want to know the truth, need the truth to be respected in Moldova, as well as on the audience of Antena C and Euro TV. 15 independent candidates and 19 parties submitted applications for councillor of Chisinau municipality. Of them, 22 competitors were already registered.