
Farmers protest on Ștefan cel Mare Blvd


After a number of failed attempts to reach a consensus with the authorities, the farmers returned with their tractors to the Great National Assembly Square. In protest, they travelled along Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt Blvd with their tractors. They passed the Parliament Building and the Presidential Place and travelled up to the rotary on Ion Creangă St, returning then back to the central square of Chisinau, IPN reports.

The farmers complain that their situation is difficult and they are close to bankruptcy, while the authorities do not support them.

From the Great National Assembly Square, the protesters travelled along Ștefan cel Mare Blvd to the Presidential Palace, where they tried to leave straw bales and a number of boxes with grapes. The police prevented them from doing this and the farmers accused the police of limiting their right to protest.

FOTO Protestatarii la Presedintie

From the Presidential Palace, the tractors moved in a column to the rotary on Ion Creangă St. Traffic on Ștefan cel Mare Blvd became heavier. From the traffic circle, the farmers returned back, stopping in front of the Parliament Building on the way.

About two weeks ago, the farmers brought their tractors to the central square of Chisinau, addressing a number of demands to the authorities. They said they will wait for a response from the authorities and, if their demands are ignored, they will travel with their tractors through the capital city. Last week, Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, said the moratorium on the calculation of penalties by banks and the forced execution proposed by the Association “Force of Farmers” cannot be imposed as the Republic of Moldova doesn’t have legislation based on which the authorities can institute such a form of support.