
Fall crops hit by sudden cold and lack of snow. Farmers – worried


Moldova is experiencing temperature fluctuations in February, after long periods of high temperatures followed by a sudden cooling. Such variations have a considerable impact on autumn agricultural crops, influencing both plant development and overall agricultural production. Farmers in several parts of Moldova are worried about the state of their crops, which have also been affected by insufficient soil moisture in recent years, "above-normal" temperatures and the lack of protective snow cover, agrobiznes.md reports, cited by IPN.

Farmer Viorel Cerlat forecasts big losses in rapeseed and wheat varieties. "Due to the -18 degrees ground frost without snow cover, we already see that we will have massive losses in rapeseed, some wheat varieties, as well as large losses of moisture. Personally, I have already spotted frozen rapeseed a few days ago and it had 8-10 leaves, strongly developed stem. Probably, if it continues like this, without rain, it is more reasonable to notify the co-owners, either to process the plots or to establish certain rules from the start in order to avoid unpleasant situations later," the farmer said.

The prolonged periods of high temperatures have accelerated the growth and development of crops, and the lack of snow, which has a protective role on crops, makes them extremely vulnerable to frosts of above -10 and -15 degrees in the last two weeks.

This is explained by the fact that plants in a high-temperature environment use up their energy reserves more quickly, which weakens their resistance to the cold.